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Drastically boost volumes improve revenues through rationalization of new partners while applying best in class technology in a fast growing competitive sector

Remittance business it's becoming more competitive, pricing and margins are shrinking;
it's being under tighter regulatory pressure, where regulators and bank calls for increasing controls resulting in higher costs.

Boos results, Our innovated model allows to connect with multiple money transfer providers creating new partnerships and leveraging the best technology in the industry.
We’ll bring new remittance partners, business opportunities, take care of all the required services to integrate (through APIs) to connect your network with multiple money transmitters and provide you with an State of the Art money transfer, compliance and forex solution with:

  • Efficient and effective AML controls, tailor made to your regulatory requirements and policies that will reduce processing costs while increasing margins;
  • Settlement reconciliation tools adaptable to your accounting requirements;
  • Full suite of management reporting to have full control and business visibility;

It’s important to know that we’ll assist you to tap into new markets at no cost, to partner with global money transfer business and delivery bank/agents in a destination country where our clients are, once you are on our platform.

Our Plataform

One solution,

An Entire Remittance Ecosystem.

Branch to back-end software remittance platform

External MTP


POS System

24/7 Support

User Management

Syndication functionalities for assignment of roles over the business network:

AML, KYC & Compliance Reporting

Reporting & Reconciliation

Bureau of Exchange

Digital out of Home Media

Central Management

All the tools to setup and grow
your remittance business

External MTP Connections

Our turn-key API modular connections allows for the seamless integration of complementary global money transfer providers to enhancing your reach and product offerings.


Built-in full reporting and automated data reconciliation in order to create data summaries and statistical graphics charts and reports all on demand.

Seamlessly create and maintain your very own customer data bases and CRMs data visualizations of your business transactional activity, segmented by: agent, POS location, corridor, risk, customer.

Analyze sub agent, POS, user, performance, transactional volumes to stay informed at all times.

Point-Of-Sale-System (POS)

Simply have your agents follow the user-friendly screen instructions while Southern-Exp actively monitors each step of the process, ensuring error-free transactions and compliance with any and all applicable AML rules, KYC registrations and any other business procedures.

Local reporting and reconciliation at branch and operator levels obtained upon demand via pre-configured daily activity reports or dynamically customized forms.

Exceptional multifactor level of user authentication combined with reliable security technologies and a tamper-free transaction process, makes Southern-Exp one of the most robust web-based software’s in our industry.

24/7 Support

A 24-hour help desk monitored ticketing tool to allows one to report incidents, submit documents, make queries, communicate with support agents and notify, prioritize and follow-up to incidents until final resolution.

User Management

Users access are restricted depending on the assigned profile:

  • Administrator
  • Supervisor
  • Teller
  • Compliance Officer
  • Merchandising Manager
  • Network Manager

Detailed Information includes: Logs of users login failure attempts with the IP address used, stamp times, system action taken and blocked usage periods.

Controls include: Status, profiles, POS assignments, passwords…

Compliance AML, KYC & Reporting

Meet the latest industry challenges that fuel straight-through reporting and compliance business intelligence (CBI) with confidence by enforcing rules in real time throughout business.

Autonomous KYC registration and clearance from black, PEP, UN1267 and other required fraud list searches at first contact.

AML aggregation monitors and provides real time surveillance while enforcing business, AML rules and assesses risk transactional factors, analyzing remitters associations, previous transactional behavior, or “many to one”, “one to many”, from/to specific corridors, amounts.

Pre-emptive responses will trigger requirement for additional customer information in order to complete transfers. Will generate real time alerts and/or prevent suspicious transfers, as well as create needed regulatory reports.

Reporting & Reconciliation

Built-in full reporting and automated data reconciliation to create data summaries and statistical graphics charts, and reports on demand.

Seamlessly create and maintain your own customer data bases and CRMs Pre-built data visualizations of your business transactional activity segmenting by: agent, POS location, corridor, risk, customer.

Analyze sub agent, POS, user, performance , transactional volumes to stay informed at all times.

Bureau of Exchange

This FX module instantly integrates money exchange products, cash management and related reporting tools into your branches providing the ability to segment all the activity by subagents and/or POS locations.


Digital out of Home media enables you to connect with employees or consumers at all your branches to amplify & activate your messages. Allows you to reach consumers while they are making purchasing decisions throughout their day.

It’s secure, universal, easy to use and fast to deploy. It will forever change the way you communicate with and influence your audience.

The creative opportunities are boundless and diverse and now include digital and mobile technologies. In addition, out-of-home is a low CPM and high ROI medium and can be used as a stand-alone or as a part of a media mix.

It stimulates a greater efficiency of online activity than any other offline medium. Enable Eye catching marketing opportunities by using customer’s receipts to offer a variety of coupons and/or different promotions segmented by each POS

Central Management System

Realtime centralized management and monitoring of entire operation:

Full account management support for infinite number of users and multiple profiles to choose from with customizable access levels, trx restrictions and branch and/or group assignments.

POS segmentation by sub-agencies, services offered, risk factors, and much more.

Inventory controls, treasuries and business ledgers of accounts, float balances, transfers, and positions

Product Tour

Central Management System

Realtime centralized management and monitoring of entire operation:

Full account management support for infinite number of users and multiple profiles to choose from with customizable access levels, trx restrictions and branch and/or group assignments.

POS segmentation by sub-agencies, services offered, risk factors, and much more.

Inventory controls, treasuries and business ledgers of accounts, float balances, transfers, and positions

Compliance AML, KYC & Reporting

Meet the latest industry challenges that fuel straight-through reporting and compliance business intelligence (CBI) with confidence by enforcing rules in real time throughout business.

Autonomous KYC registration and clearance from black, PEP, UN1267 and other required fraud list searches at first contact.

AML aggregation monitors and provides real time surveillance while enforcing business, AML rules and assesses risk transactional factors, analyzing remitters associations, previous transactional behavior, or “many to one”, “one to many”, from/to specific corridors, amounts.

Pre-emptive responses will trigger requirement for additional customer information in order to complete transfers. Will generate real time alerts and/or prevent suspicious transfers, as well as create needed regulatory reports.

Reporting & Reconciliation

Built-in full reporting and automated data reconciliation to create data summaries and statistical graphics charts, and reports on demand.

Seamlessly create and maintain your own customer data bases and CRMs Pre-built data visualizations of your business transactional activity segmenting by: agent, POS location, corridor, risk, customer.

Analyze sub agent, POS, user, performance , transactional volumes to stay informed at all times.

Bureau of Exchange

This FX module instantly integrates money exchange products, cash management and related reporting tools into your branches providing the ability to segment all the activity by subagents and/or POS locations.

Digital out of Home (DooH)

Digital out of Home media enables you to connect with employees or consumers at all your branches to amplify & activate your messages. Allows you to reach consumers while they are making purchasing decisions throughout their day.

It’s secure, universal, easy to use and fast to deploy. It will forever change the way you communicate with and influence your audience.

The creative opportunities are boundless and diverse and now include digital and mobile technologies. In addition, out-of-home is a low CPM and high ROI medium and can be used as a stand-alone or as a part of a media mix.

It stimulates a greater efficiency of online activity than any other offline medium. Enable Eye catching marketing opportunities by using customer’s receipts to offer a variety of coupons and/or different promotions segmented by each POS

Point-Of-Sale-Systems (POS)

Simply have your agents follow the user-friendly screen instructions while Southern-Exp actively monitors each step of the process, ensuring error-free transactions and compliance with any and all applicable AML rules, KYC registrations and any other business procedures.

Local reporting and reconciliation at branch and operator levels obtained upon demand via pre-configured daily activity reports or dynamically customized forms.

Exceptional multifactor level of user authentication combined with reliable security technologies and a tamper-free transaction process, makes Southern-Exp one of the most robust web-based software’s in our industry.


Built-in full reporting and automated data reconciliation in order to create data summaries and statistical graphics charts and reports all on demand.

Seamlessly create and maintain your very own customer data bases and CRMs data visualizations of your business transactional activity, segmented by: agent, POS location, corridor, risk, customer.

Analyze sub agent, POS, user, performance, transactional volumes to stay informed at all times.

24/7 Support

A 24-hour help desk monitored ticketing tool to allows one to report incidents, submit documents, make queries, communicate with support agents and notify, prioritize and follow-up to incidents until final resolution.

External MTP Connections

Our turn-key API modular connections allows for the seamless integration of complementary global money transfer providers to enhancing your reach and product offerings.

About Us

We are passionate about providing our clients with real alternatives to enhance their business and work closely with the top executives to deliver better results and the sustainable success they desire

Leadership Team

Santiago Romero
Co-founder of Southern, as CEO directs all aspects of the company’s business and has been serving as the main architect for Southern services with focus on operational efficiencies, process improvement, communication, negotiations, strategic planning and implementation.
Eduardo Fernandez
Co-founder of Southern, is responsible for the overall financial strategy for and the day-to-day activities of Southern from administrative to strategic planning helping the company successfully build and scale.
Sandra Amador
VP of Products and Software
Joined Medialink in 2011, Sandra has greatly contributed to the development of all the company’s technologies and leads the software and product teams.
Lucas Menna
VP of Products and Software
Joined Medialink in 2009, Lucas has led the company’s technology teams and he’s focuses on building high quality technology systems and products and oversees production and Client support.
Marilyn Brookes
VP of Client Services
Marilyn joined Medialink in 2008,has contribute to Medialink success not only leadingthe client services team but also assisting with multiple , day to day tasks and as a procuring officer.
Andrés M. Rodríguez
Head Product Developer
Andres, joined in 2016, an Industry veteran in software development and lifecycle management lead the R&D development.
José H. Sernaqué
Head Product Developer
Jose joined in 2013, as senior developer deploys and maintains Medialink cloud applications
Ricardo Rodríguez
Head Project Manager
Ricardo joined in 2009 heads the product quality assurance, technical installations. He’s focus on creating efficiencies, strategic planning, and technology to achieve scalability in its operations.

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